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Our HR audits can help you to ensure that your organisation’s HR policies and structures are up to date and fit for purpose.


Our audit service reviews matters such as:

  • Internal policies and procedures: Do they reflect good organisational practice and are they easily understood, available to staff and up to date?

  • Recruitment and induction procedures: Does everyone know what they have to do and are your procedures fair and likely to attract the best candidates?

  • Appraisal and performance management:How do you measure and manage performance throughout the year?How do you ensure that employees know what they need to do to improve or what they are doing well?

  • Employee turnover:Do you know your rate of turnover and is it appropriate?

  • Structure, pay and grading:Whilst we cannot tell you what your organisation needs (that is for you to decide) we can help you determine this through transparent pay and grading structures, lines of authority and up to date job descriptions.

  • Equality and Diversity: are there hotspots of concern?

In or view, consistent rules and expectations create a good workplace culture, which in turn hopefully leads to fewer workplace disputes and tribunals.

For more information about our equality audit service, please contact Madeleine Hughes (details here). This service is available to new and existing clients.


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